Meet the Team

ANDE is run by a global staff and governed by the Aspen Institute and a body integrated by members, the Advisory Committee.

The Global Staff

ANDE is run by a truly global staff, with a US team in Washington, DC, and eight regional chapters across Latin America, Africa, and Asia. 

Senior Advisor, Strategy and Projects
Operations Coordinator, West Africa
Partnerships Manager
Executive Assistant
East and Southeast Asia, Finance and Operations Coordinator
Interim Executive Director
Global Events Manager
Director of Research and Impact
Chapter Head, West Africa
Program Coordinator, East Africa
Senior Program Coordinator, Central America and Mexico
Asia Regional Director
Latin America Regional Director
Program Manager
Associate, Central America and Mexico
Program Coordinator, Southern Africa
Finance Coordinator, East Africa
East and Southeast Asia Chapter Head
Membership Manager
Asia Communications Lead
Senior Advisor, Analytics and Planning
Program Associate, South Asia
Assoc. Director of Communications
Senior Impact Analyst
East and Southeast Asia Program Associate
Africa Regional Director
Regional Chapter Head, Southern Africa
Program Associate, South Asia
Research and Programs Junior Coordinator

The Advisory Committee

The Aspen Institute and the ANDE Advisory Committee govern this organization. As the network operates under the Aspen Institute’s non-profit status, the organization’s official bylaws are the Aspen Institute bylaws, and the Aspen Institute maintains fiduciary and legal oversight. The Advisory Committee is comprised of elected leaders from the organization’s diverse membership, and it provides strategic direction and operational oversight.

CEO, ACT Foundation
Director - Partnerships & Business Development, Partners in Food Solutions
Interim Executive Director
Executive VP, Aspen Institute
CEO of Ibirá Negócios Sociais
Partner & Global Knowledge Lead at Dalberg
Regional Director - APAC Partnerships - Enviu
Head of Public Affairs and Communications at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation
Chief Executive Officer SNDBX | The Village Formula
Director of Growth and Partnerships at Entrepreneurial Solutions Partners
Co-Founder & CEO Villgro Philippines
Founder and CEO, Entrepreneurship To The Point and Property Point
CEO Youth Business International
Chief Executive Officer, FUNDES (México)