Business Development Services From the Lens of SGBs
December 1, 2022
3pm GMT
Start Date December 1, 2022
Time 3pm GMT
Location Online
ANDE Contact Awa Daffe

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The ANDE West Africa Chapter is inviting to an upcoming virtual workshop tagged “Business Development Services From the Lens of SGBs”

The role of Small and Growing Businesses(SGBs) in providing job opportunities and stimulating long term economic growth in developing economies cannot be overemphasized. Yet, there are some limiting factors relating to business, financial and educational challenges which hamper their growth and, in most cases, require support to enable them to scale.

Ideally and conceptually, Business Development Service(BDS) Providers should be one of the most suitable private institutions to provide effective services in strengthening SGBs institutional capabilities in order to face the business world around them, especially the world of competition. The question that follows, goes thus ‘Is there evidence of good practice on how BDS providers in West Africa are effectively offering and delivering their services to SGBs? What are, therefore, the limiting factors that prevents some businesses from utilizing the needed support of BDS Providers?

Join us to learn from successful entrepreneurs, who operate in different sectors; the principal needs, challenges and constraints, and the suggestions for improving Business Development Services in West Africa.

By attending this event, you will be given the opportunity to benefit from the following:

  • Learn about the key challenges and constraints that inhibits SGBs from utilizing the support of BDS Providers (I.e., accessibility, lack of awareness of quality BDS providers, BDS reputation, lack of trust, finance etc.); and effective solutions that can help overcome these challenges.
  • Gain insight into the perception of BDS Providers.
  • Discover how BDS providers can go about ensuring that the services they provide are well focused and built around a deep understanding of a particular sector.
  • How can collaboration in the Anglophone/Francophone ecosystem produce better results?


This event is targeted towards Entrepreneurs Support Organizations(ESOs), Business Development Service(BDS) Providers, and Small and Growing Businesses(SGBs) in sector in West Africa or with interest in West Africa, including those in agribusiness sector, climate sector, tech sector etc. Both ANDE members and non-members are invited to attend.

Translations in French will be available