Working together, Brazil’s small business ecosystem stakeholders can create a more just and sustainable future, not only for itself but as a model for the world.

José Mattos, Brazil Chapter HeadBy José Mattos. ANDE Brazil Chapter’s Head

Brazil’s unique mix of social disparities and natural wealth demands a new approach to economic development: impact entrepreneurship. This model goes beyond profit, aiming to catalyze positive change and promote socioeconomic inclusion.

Key to this approach is cooperation. A vibrant ecosystem requires collaboration among startups, corporations, NGOs, universities, and the government. Established firms offer resources and infrastructure, while agile startups bring disruptive solutions. Universities provide research, NGOs advocate for equity, and the government sets a supportive regulatory framework. This interconnected network fosters innovation and ensures that benefits reach those who need them most.

Quotation marksThe Amazon can become a global laboratory for green technologies, making it not just a resource to preserve, but an engine of innovation for the entire nation.


Several trends are poised to shape this ecosystem by 2030:

  • Technology: Digitalization and emerging technologies like AI and blockchain will revolutionize how impact businesses operate.
  • Sustainability: Brazil, a biodiversity powerhouse, will lead the green economy. Investments in bioeconomy, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture are essential.
  • Financial Inclusion: Fintech and microfinance tools will expand access to capital
    for rural and marginalized communities.
  • Education: Strengthening education and training programs will equip the next generation of impact entrepreneurs.
  • Public Policy: Supportive government policies and incentives are crucial for sector growth.

Crucially, this ecosystem must extend beyond Brazil’s prosperous southeast. Connecting all regions, including the North, Northeast, Midwest, and South, is vital. This involves investing in digital infrastructure, logistics, and education, as well as promoting decentralized economic opportunities.

The Amazon also plays a key role. It’s a hotbed for sustainable business models, particularly those focused on the bioeconomy. Engaging local and indigenous communities in these initiatives is key to their success and to protecting the rainforest. The Amazon can become a global laboratory for green technologies, making it not just a resource to preserve, but an engine of innovation for the entire nation.

Building this cooperative impact ecosystem is complex, but its potential is transformative. As global and local challenges mount, collaboration among diverse stakeholders will become increasingly essential. By working together, Brazil’s small business ecosystem stakeholders can create a more just and sustainable future, not only for itself but as a model for the world.