Royal Academy of Engineering
As Publisher

This guide aims to help Indian researchers and
inventors turn their ideas into reality. It outlines
the tough but exciting process of bringing new
ideas to market through the creation of a new
company. It is particularly tailored towards
inventors working in research institutions, such
as universities and public research laboratories,
but may also benefit a range of other
individuals who wish to build new ventures.

The document is based in part on surveys and
interviews with Indian academic entrepreneurs and

The structure follows the sequence that is
typically required for a spinout: deciding if an idea has
potential; planning the business; forming the business;
and then scaling it. However, since every spinout is
different, some parts will likely be more relevant to you
than others. Inevitably, the guide can only provide a
high-level overview, and so links to further resources
are provided in the appendix and in footnotes.