Building Caring Economies as a Pathway to Economic and Gender Justice
Author(s): M. Buschmann

“In order to influence the UK government and global policymakers to fulfill their commitments to women and girls and women’s economic justice, the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women and CARE International UK collaborated, with support from the Ares Charitable Foundation, to explore solutions for overcoming inequalities in unpaid care, and share how building caring economies can foster women’s entrepreneurship and economic justice. This joint paper outlines successful interventions to build caring economies in line with the feminist concept of the “5 Rs” of Recognition, Reduction, Redistribution, Representation and Reward for care work. Interventions include increasing care provision; investment in care and social services; focusing on care across the broad spectrum of caring needs – from disability care to elderly care and childcare; redistributing care work at the household level through social norms change; and driving economic transformation that changes laws, structures and economies, with carers, women in all their diversity, and girls leading the way.”