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World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Last updated on 20 May 2024
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WUSC works with small and growing businesses through a variety of approaches. From supporting youth and women's entrepreneurship, to working directly with incubators and accelerators to partnering with finance providers, WUSC strives to make the enabling environment for SGBs more conducive to growth and success. For example, through the WAGES project in In Ghana, Burkina Faso and Guinea, the INVEST project in Ghana, and the DREEM project in Kenya, WUSC partners with non-profit, private, and government providers of business development services such as incubators, accelerators and financial service providers to improve entrepreneurial opportunities for youth, including refugee youth. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, WUSC is exploring the nexus of climate finance, gender lens investing and women’s entrepreneurship through the Accelerating Women Climate Entrepreneurs project (in partnership with ANDE) to elevate women’s roles and voices as being key to adapting to, and mitigating climate change.