Catalyzing Growth: Improving the Effectiveness of Guarantees

The key role of guarantees is to crowd in investors and open new markets. This is achieved by:

  • solving collateral deficiency challenges;
  • closing the gap between perceived and actual risk; and
  • absorbing portions of risk so that lenders can enter new markets with lower risk

However, guarantees are not a silver bullet to bypass credit processes e.g., business documentation (registration, business plans, financials, etc), nor do they serve as an exemption to finance unbankable deals. Measuring the effectiveness of guarantees is not standardized and the context of the guarantee (e.g., sector, region, lender) must be considered when comparing metrics such as utilization, catalyzed capital, or additionality. While the ultimate aim of guarantees is to be made redundant, this goal is unlikely to be met in the short term for agriculture as a sector and in SSA given the sector’s profile i.e., mainly fueled by smallholder farmers who are deemed risky because of informality, largely non-commercial farm models and the sector’s vulnerabilities resulting from climate risk. There are several opportunities for donors to support lending to agriculture across the value chain to build the market using an ecosystem approach to increase agri-lending.