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Global Business Inroads
Last updated on 1 Jul 2024
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Global Business Inroads (GBI) was founded in September 2009 to assist and serve Government, NGOs, Financial Institutions, and Private Sector organizations with their technology, sustainable energy, environment project development, market access and international business needs. In the last 13 years, GBI has positioned itself as a key partner to governments – Indian, EU, UK, USA, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Africa and collaborated closely with UN and WIPO to support technology companies that have solutions for the UNSDGs to deploy in new markets. GBI also is supporting 100+ companies per annum directly to manage their cross-border innovation, technology transfer and project management. GBI is also the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) node in India. GBI team members recently co-authored a book – “Successful Innovation Systems” along with authors from 12 global innovation hubs and cities. GBI Director, Leena is a regular speaker at the United Nations on topics related to tech scouting and deployment for sustainable development and women’s empowerment. What can GBI do to help international SGBs / companies develop business opportunities, innovation and expertise collaborations in India, Europe, UK, USA? Do you need hands-on, long term support to navigate your company's technology product into India? GBI today in India, Europe, UK and USA, is a Centre to promote international tech, innovation and research in India. Currently, we are liaising with 100+ international tech companies and innovations from the Cleantech, medtech, smart city, IT for societal impact (artificial intelligence, blockchain, IOT) to help them leverage Indian research and business opportunities that solve societal challenges. GBI is supporting these companies in various capacities such as market research, viability assessments, co-product/solution development, market validation, development, piloting, connect with partners/investors to scale promotion, manufacturing and distribution, commercialization in India. We also support Indian SGBs internationalize into Europe, UK, USA, Africa, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. In the past we have worked with 200+ companies, research organizations and non-profit organizations to develop opportunities for the deployment of tech and innovation and business models for solving societal challenges around climate change, energy and water access, healthcare and infrastructure. GBI has developed the Technology Management Interface (TMI) process to scale tech access and deployment: Start-ups, SMEs and Corporates seeking to access and develop the Indian market need continuous handholding and support. To help companies succeed, it is important to have a systematic process that takes them from connecting with potential partners, customers, manufacturers, distributors, investors, large corporates and other ecosystem players – to techno-commercial analysis and localization to pilot to commercialization. We can share GBI’s integrated process to tech deployment on request. Note: GTI™ - is an online technology and innovation collaboration platform – We encourage you to register here to take your first step into the Indian market. Send us an email to to have a discussion on your interests and learn more if there is an opportunity for your tech/solution in India. We can also share with you the existing requirements from Indian companies and investors for technology in this first discussion.