ANDE's members leadership
The Executive Committee

ANDE is governed by two bodies, the Aspen Institute and the ANDE Executive Committee. As ANDE operates under the non-profit status of the Aspen Institute, the official bylaws of the organization are the Aspen Institute bylaws and the Aspen Institute maintains fiduciary and legal oversight. The ANDE Executive Committee is composed of leaders from ANDE’s diverse membership and provides strategic direction and operational oversight.

CEO, ACT Foundation
Interim Executive Director
Executive Director, Netherlands Food Partnership
Executive VP, Aspen Institute
CEO of Ibirá Negócios Sociais
Partner & Global Knowledge Lead at Dalberg
Director, Impact Investing, Omidyar Network
Founder & CEO, Niara Advisory (South Africa)
CEO, Villgro Innovations Foundation
Director of Growth and Partnerships at Entrepreneurial Solutions Partners
Founder and CEO, Entrepreneurship To The Point and Property Point
CEO Youth Business International
Chief Executive Officer, FUNDES (México)