Submit content
Sharing with the ANDE community

ANDE provides members with a trusted global platform to share updates across the sector and expand opportunities for all.

Forms can be a bit tricky sometimes. If you are facing any difficulty while filling out this one on your browser, no worries! You can always send us your content via email at Just remember to include the word “NEWSLETTER” in all-caps in the subject line, so we can easily identify your email and make sure your content is included in the next edition. We’re here to help you every step of the way, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance at all.

Fill the form below or reach out by email!

  • Global Reach: Our monthly Global Newsletter reaches approximately 25,000 subscribers, providing insights, events, and opportunities in the SGB sector.
  • Regional Focus: Every regional chapter offers tailored newsletters with additional audiences and updates that resonate with their members.
  • Social Media Presence: We support members in promoting mission-aligned content across social media platforms. We welcome opportunities for cross-promotion of our events. Stay updated and engage with us on our LinkedIn page.

Please use the submission guidelines provided below to fill out the form. Again, if you can’t access the form using your browser, please don’t let that stop you! You can also send us your content via email at Make sure to include the word “NEWSLETTER” in all capital letters in the subject line. You will receive an automated response from our end. Please note that we review this inbox on a monthly basis.

      • Actionable Content: We prioritize content that prompts readers to act—whether learning, engaging, or participating. Ensure your submission includes an actionable link relevant to the SGB sector.
      •  Style & Format: Please write in the third person and include relevant social media handles and hashtags.
      • Submission Deadline: For the monthly Global Newsletter, please submit content by the last Monday of the previous month for inclusion in the following edition, which we will distribute on the first Monday of every month.
      • Language: We welcome submissions in various languages, especially those prevalent in our chapter eight regions.

Please note: ANDE reserves the right to edit submissions and may choose not to include some content.

Content submission

  • What is new? Why it matters?
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.