The Emergence of Angel Investment Networks in Southeast Asia: Report 1 – A Good Practice Guide to Effective Angel Investing


“This report is the first of its kind to understand the landscape of Angel Investment Networks in Southeast Asia and explores the challenges and opportunities for angel investors in the region. The report also places a special focus on Gender Lens Investing and the drivers for angel investors to make gender-focused investments to contribute to the development of an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Asia. This research aims to support the development of the angel investment market in Southeast Asia through three key approaches: First, it aims to Complete a mapping of established Angel Investment Networks (AINs) across Southeast Asia (SEA) that are actively investing in early-stage enterprises. Secondly, the report identifies and analyzes key aspects and good practice of active AIN structures and impact models in Southeast Asia. Finally, it provides a general overview of where and how Gender Lens Investing (GLI) practices take place across AINs in Southeast Asia to further advance the implementation of GLI in the region.”