Member Directory
Soil and More Ethiopia
Last updated on 24 Sep 2024

Soil and More Ethiopia serves as a key implementing partner in environmental projects with significant socio-economic impacts. Our focus lies in providing technical assistance and establishing market linkages for Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) operating in sectors such as waste management, greenery, and circular economy initiatives. Through our intervention projects, we have successfully supported over 1200 SGBs, encompassing a network of more than 22,000 members. By offering tailored support and facilitating connections within the environmental sector, we empower these businesses to thrive and contribute to sustainable development in Ethiopia. Our collaborative efforts with SGBs in waste management, greenery, and circular economy projects have not only bolstered the growth and resilience of these businesses but have also fostered positive socio-economic impacts within local communities. By equipping SGBs with the necessary tools, knowledge, and market opportunities, we are driving innovation, creating job opportunities, and promoting environmental sustainability. Through these partnerships, Soil and More Ethiopia continues to play a pivotal role in advancing the environmental sector while simultaneously enhancing the livelihoods of individuals involved in these impactful projects.