gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2022 – Climate Metrics for Small and Growing Businesses in Developing Economies
June 3, 2022
8 am ET | 5:30 PM IST
Start Date June 3, 2022
Time 8 am ET | 5:30 PM IST
Location Online
ANDE Contact Saipriya Salla

The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) with Climate Collective Foundation are proud to partner with GEI in supporting #gLOCAL2022

Because of support from the Tipping Point Fund on Impact Investing (TPFII) Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) has been able to expand and invest in its impact measurement and management (IMM) initiatives.

ANDE has been working on a climate metrics guide with India’s Climate Collective Foundation, among other projects, to establish “right-sized” climate measurements for small and growing businesses (SGBs) and their support groups in developing nations.

A research study will combine existing approaches and resources for assessing climate impact in this critical business, as well as how to overcome key roadblocks to implementing these IMM frameworks. 

During this open panel discussion, ANDE and Climate Collective Foundation will provide a preliminary view of the study and solicit comments or discussion from the audience. Participants who have prior expertise with climate or environmental IMM, as well as small business support and IMM, are welcome to attend.