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Digitalization Assessment
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Organization Name
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Central America and Mexico
East Africa
East and Southeast Asia
South Africa
West Africa
A. Understand your customers
Do you have customer segments defined to understand their needs, challenges, and behaviors?
We do not have defined customer segments.
We have basic segments defined but they are not based on either qualitative or quantitative data.
We have segments defined from qualitative and / or quantitative characteristics. However, we do not have a deep understanding of our customers needs, challenges and behaviours.
We have segments defined from the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the users in such a way that we deeply understand our customers needs, challenges and behaviours.
How would you describe your customers level of digital literacy and access?
Many of our customers have very low digital literacy and do not have access to devices or internet connectivity.
Some of our customers have low digital literacy and do not have access to devices or internet connectivity.
Most of our customers have a reasonable level of digital literacy and have frequent access to devices and internet connectivity.
Almost all of our customers have a high level of digital literacy and frequent access to devices and internet connectivity.
Do you capture customer data and information in a centralised location for analysis?
No customer data is captured.
There is customer information but it is not centralized, it does not have a standard format and / or the information is not updated / complete.
Customer information is available but it is limited and / or a partial state, in such a way that it hinders the analysis processes since it is not updated frequently.
Customer information is centralized, updated and available for profile analysis that allows initiatives to be directed efficiently to generate a high impact on customers.
Do you have processes and / or tools focused on understanding users as people and not just as customers?
We do not have processes and / or tools for the understanding of customers
Interaction with customers is limited to purely transactional issues related to the product / service.
Open exploration is carried out with users seeking to make specific improvements on the services / products offered.
Approaches are frequently made - with clients and non-clients - to understand their needs as individuals, which can be addressed by our organization.
How did the customer experience strategy come about?
There is no customer experience strategy
Reactively in response to annoyances or disagreements from customers.
As a result of comparing the offer of direct competitors in the industry and evaluating the current experience of my clients.
Proactively. It is understood that customer expectations regarding service can be formed from experiences with services from other industries and regions; and new strategic directions are proposed based on the investigation of trends and future scenarios.
Is there a process or approach to identify new products / offerings / services based on customer needs?
There is no new product / service identification process
Innovation is driven by limited data or fact inputs. Our products are inspired by other organizations, rather than relying on customer preferences or market opportunity.
We take into account our customer needs as well as the landsape when designing our products or services.
Market research, customer preferences through agile & design methodologies (such as journey mapping) lead the way.
B. Define your value proposition
What role do customers play during the design of new services or products?
Customers do not play any role in the design of new products and services
Products or services are designed from internal ideas without an identified market demand or opportunity.
Clients are only involved early in the process from primary research.
Continuous involvement of customers is maintained during the development of the offer and definition of the customer experience strategy. You have a trial and error mindset to evolve the offering.
Are you clear on how initiatives bring unique value to your customers?
You are unclear on your unique value proposition to your customers
You have a basic hypohtesis of how your initiatives bring value to your customers, but it's not based on evidence, insight or analysis of your customers needs.
You have defined a value proposition based on your customers needs, challenges and behaviours. You have a basic understanding of how your offering differs from other organizations in the market.
You have defined a value proposition based on your customers needs, challenges and behaviours. You have evaluated other organizations in the market and can clearly differentiate your value proposition. You have tested this with customers to validate.
How are initiatives identified and prioritized?
There are no spaces for identification and prioritization of initiatives
Ideation and idea submission are rare and are primarily contributed by specific individuals or department initiatives.
There is a defined process or approach, albeit minimal, for people to submit ideas. Customer needs are one of the key criteria in the prioritisation process.
There is a defined, managed and transparent idea submission process, supported by a collaboration tool, seeking to involve different actors. Customer needs are one of the key criteria in the prioritisation process.
C. Learn from the landscape
How would you describe the company's adaptability to disruptive, customer and market trends?
The company is static over time, it does not generate any kind of reaction to market trends
We follow the competition, we choose to act when there is a clear path forward.
We adapt quickly to changes in the market and what other organizations are doing.
We define and model market trends, actively exploiting our competitive strengths and weaknesses to set the pace for market innovation.
A. Determine your delivery model
How have new digital technologies influenced the strategy and plans of the organization?
We have not considered digital technologies in our strategy or plans
Digital technologies are operational and solution-specific considerations, not strategic.
Digitization opportunities are considered as enablers of our organizations strategy
Digital technologies form a strategic platform that drives strategic growth and operational results
How open is the organization to the use of new technologies?
We do not have processes to adopt new technologies
We are generally slow to adopt new technologies. We have a few core / legacy systems that support our business and only move when we have to.
Actively test new technologies and adopt them as single point solutions, albeit with a lack of integration between solutions across our organization.
We test new technologies and learn about their potential. We asess how to best integrate these technologies into our business and are constantly evolving our use of these technologies.
What drives the organization to invest in digitalization?
There are no motivators for organization that leads them to invest in digitalization
Support our core services and operations through technology.
Obtain operational and commercial benefits through investment in technology and develop online services for our customers.
Maximise efficiency and encourage collaboration across the organization, prioritizing growth in innovation. Develop new digitally led service models.
How does the organization view risk taking (risk taking is a cultural component positively correlated with innovation)?
Our organization does not encourage or support risk taking, whether it leads to success or failure.
Our organization has only encouraged and supported taking risks, on some limited occasions, whether they lead to success or failure.
Risk taking is moderately supported and occasionally rewarded by the organization when successful, although failures are still penalized
Risk takers are considered highly in the organization, regardless of success or failure
B. Your eco-system: Decide what you "buy" vs "build"
How would you describe the digital and technology eco-system in your market context
There are little or few technology providers that we know of in our market
Technology and service providers exist, but we have not actively engaged with them
There is an active eco-system of local technology and service providers
There is an active eco-system of local technology and service providers. The big tech players are also active in and provide services in our market.
With what type of third parties and / or allies of the digital ecosystem does your organization interact?
We do not currently interact with any third parties and / or partners of the digital ecosystem
Traditional IT providers
Traditional IT providers and we are in the process of approaching other potential partners and providers.
We interact with a multitide of different players in the eco-system (e.g. start-ups, telecommunications companies, retail companies, big tech companies, among others).
To what extent would you say your organization be dependent on solutions already available in the market for digitization?
We would depend 100% on what is available in the market, we don’t have the capability or resources to customise solutions
We be be largely dependent on what is already available in the market, we have the capability and resources to customise some of these solutions
We be be somewhat dependent on what is already available in the market, but we would like to assess the benefits and tradeoffs of building our own solutions. We have some resources available for this.
We would not be dependent on what is available in the market but we would assess carefully the benefits and tradeoffs of building our own solutions. We have the resources and capabilities required to build our own solutions.
C. Assess & Build Your Internal Capactities
How is information shared between the different platforms?
Information is always kept on the same platform
Where we need to work across solutions, necessary information is manually copied from one system to another
Defined point-to-point interfaces exist. Information is transferred either out of necessity or by scheduled transmission jobs
We operate a centralised system throughout the organization where all information is available for all platforms. All of our main platforms are connected to this system.
To what extent are digital tools like instant messaging and video conferencing appreciated and used by your employees?
Our organization does not use instant messaging or video conferencing tools. The communication mechanisms are traditional (email)
Little knowledge of the added value factors of digital tools. Implemented tools are not actually used, or cannot be used in the way they were implemented, for employee collaboration.
Leveraged only by some business functions (for example, IT is more open towards using digital tools than control)
Digital tools are highly regarded and widely used in all business functions
Is their a person in charge of digitalization in your organization or is there someone that would be able to take on this responsibility?
There is no definition of responsibilities, roles or functions for any of the stages of the digital strategy. We don't have the resources or skills required.
No role or dedicated unit. Digitalization is managed by everyone, we don't have the capacity to assign someone to lead it.
One person or group is responsible for Digital or could be made responsible, but the scope of this responsibility is / would be limited to a specific area of digitalization (e.g. experience, technology, marketing).
The company exploits the full reach of Digital and has a dedicated role assigned for this. This role could be named Chief Digital Officer, but there are likely other names as well. Importantly, this role acts as a Digital Transformation Leader, and is responsible for Digital throughout the business and IT with the goal of enabling growth and improving efficiency.
Is there someone in charge of innovation or someone that would be able to take on this responsibility?
There is no person responsible for innovation. We don't have the resources or skills required.
There is no person responsible for innovation, but there is somebody that could take on this responsibility.
Various teams and business units have defined their respective roles and responsibilities for the approval of the innovation process
Dedicated governance and leadership team that manages approvals of innovation processes throughout the organization. This team works closely with other business process owners to ensure synchronization and integration with other processes.
Is there someone in charge of the overall customer experience or someone that would be able to take on this responsibility?
There is no one responsible for the overall customer experience. We don't have the resources or skills required.
There is no one responsible for the overall customer experience. We don't have the resources or skills required.
Various teams and business units have defined their respective roles and responsibilities for the end-to-end customer experience or we feel that we have the resources to be able to set this up.
A centralized user experience and teams dedicated to designing the customer experience that ensure that all the points are homogeneous as well as that they are easy to use.
Does the organization have a plan in place for the digital skills required in the future?
There is no knowledge of the technology skills required in the future
We have no plans for future skill requirements
Some business units plan for the digital skills they may need in the future and coordinate with human resources and resources to be able to fulfill them in the future.
The organization has a skills assessment framework in place to assess future skill needs related to mobility, digital, and other technology trends. It is periodically reviewed and improved to ensure that the organization has adequate resources when needed.
To what extent do you feel that your available financial resources will be able to support your digitalization efforts?
We don't have any budget or financial resources.
We have some budget or financial resoures.
We have adequate budget and financial resources, or feel that we will be able to obtain this from external sources.
We have adquate budget and fincial resources, and digitalization will help us to open up new revenue streams.
Are you clear about what financing instruments are available for your digitalization initiatives?
We do not have financing instruments
The financing instruments that we can use have not been fully identified.
The financing instruments have been identified. However, we do not constantly evaluate the opportunities in the market to identify better options to use.
We have identified the financing instruments and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the market to obtain greater benefits when using these instruments.
How well do the operating model and organizational structure support digitalization?
There is no support from the organization's structure or from the operating model. We do not have prioritization tools or methods.
It is not clear how processes, people, IT and the business are aligned to deliver the agreed strategic changes: - Often initiatives that were not previously identified or that are not high priority in the strategy are prioritized - The allocation of resources is not necessarily aligned with project priorities - Many decisions made in day-to-day meetings conflict with strategic direction.
Processes, people, IT and the business are generally well organized to deliver agreed strategic changes: - Initiatives that were identified and prioritized through strategic planning are generally carried out according to strategy - Resource allocation generally aligned with Project priorities - Day-to-day decisions occasionally conflict with strategic direction.
Processes, people, IT and the business are well organized to deliver the agreed strategic changes: - Initiatives that were identified and prioritized through strategic planning are carried out according to strategy - Resource allocation is well aligned with project priorities that are aligned with strategy - Decisions made in daily meetings, steering committees, etc. they are done to reinforce strategy.
Is innovation fostered by the organizational structure?
Organizational structure prevents collaboration between functional units to drive innovation
The organizational structure has limitations in the collaboration between functional units, which has an impact on driving innovation
Organizational structure promotes cross-functional collaboration, but collaboration to drive innovation outcomes remains largely ad-hoc
There are formal collaborative structures (including tools / methods) to foster innovation
What is the level of bureaucracy in the company culture?
The organization's policies and procedures are totally cumbersome and all the time involve a disproportionate number of approvals at any given decision point.
Organizational policies and procedures are somewhat cumbersome and often involve a disproportionate number of approvals at any given decision point.
Basic level of approvals required at each "door"; the "high speed doors" are not in place and the system is not designed to facilitate the speed of innovation
A person's ability to take risks and try new methods is not hampered by the organization's policies and procedures
How effective is change management in the organization?
There are no planned activities and reactive actions happen inefficiently, without clear roles and responsibilities
Change is unplanned and occurs ad hoc and reactive without the support of leadership. No formal structure to manage major or strategic change within the organization
Change activities are integrated into an overall change program, but are still managed at the group level (not at the organization-wide level). As a result, integration between units remains a problem. Tactical business priorities are an important factor in change programs
Change programs are strategic in scope and relate to top business priorities. Rigorous planning and careful execution accompany major organizational changes. Changes are incorporated into workforce and leadership career plans / goals
How effective are the communications between management and staff?
Our organization's management does not have fluid communication with staff. The main means of communication is mail and there is a lack of understanding on the part of the staff regarding the requirements of the management
Staff communications are ad hoc and haphazard. There is no formal communication strategy with employees. Communications tend to be by email and / or on paper
There is a documented formal process for handling employee communications, but it is not followed consistently. Communications are not yet directed at individual groups within the workforce. Increasing use of different media and forums, such as message boards
Comprehensive employee communication strategy in place. Communications are targeted at specific elements of the workforce and are delivered in a timely manner. The media spans the entire spectrum, including regular face-to-face and person-to-person meetings. There is a mechanism for feedback from staff to management
How are ideas identified, prioritized and developed?
We do not have new ideas, therefore, they are not identified, prioritized or developed
Ideation and idea submission are completely ad-hoc, infrequent, and primarily contributed by specific individuals or department initiatives.
There is a published process or approach, albeit minimal, for people to submit ideas. There are some processes in place to help prioritise ideas and plan for implementation.
There is a defined, managed and transparent idea submission process, supported by a collaboration tool. The process provides visibility to all ideas. the associated status, and strategic priority to our organization. The organization also has the ability to generate support and develop the idea.
A. Anticipate potential impacts
Are you clear about what return on investment your organization is expecting from digitalization?
It is not clear what the possible return on investment scenarios are (be sustainable or be profitable)
We have not clearly defined whether digtalization will help us to drive sustainability and / or profitability.
We have developed a basic business case to understand how digitalization will help us to drive sustainability and / or profitability.
The objective of return on investment in value is well defined, whether it be sustainable or profitable, in accordance with the characteristics and scope our organization.
Are there tools to support security?
There are no security tools
Some tools may exist; usage is based on standard desktop tools. There is no planned approach to using tools
There is a common approach to use, but they are based on solutions developed by key individuals. A plan has been defined for the use and standardization of security tools.
Standardized security technology is used throughout the organization. The tools are fully integrated with other related tools and technologies.
How strictly does the company follow data privacy measures?
There are no guidelines for data privacy security measures in the company
Data privacy guidelines and data security standards are not designed or applied. There is no clear process and framework for capturing, storing, sharing, archiving, and disposing of data as required. Employees are not trained in the proper use of customer information.
Data privacy policies established for some geographies; there is no organization-wide privacy policy. Clear frameworks and processes to capture, store, share, archive, and delete data as required. Basic centralized security standards and processes are in place.
Consistent privacy policies in place at the organizational, regional and local levels, in sync with applicable laws. Clear frameworks and processes for capturing, storing, sharing, archiving, and disposing of data as required. Extensive centralized security processes have been implemented, with access to data controlled by the designated authority.
Do you have a plan in place for how digitalization will affect your customers trust and engagement?
There is no plan in place.
We have thought about this at a high level but are not sure how we will mitigate potential impacts.
We have planned out potential impacts and have a strategy in place for how we will maintain engagement and trust with our customers during and after digitalization.
We have planned out potential impacts and have a strategy in place for how we will maintain engagement and trust with our customers during and after digitalization. We have tested these with customers and have a plan for how we are going to measure engagment going forward.
Do you have a plan in place for how any digital services that you may be offering will reach those with barriers to access (e.g. lack of connectivity, no access to devices, or low digital literacy levels)
There is no plan in place.
We have thought about this at a high level but are not sure how we will mitigate potential impacts.
We have planned out potential impacts and have a strategy in place for how we will provide either online, offline, or face-to-face services for those with barriers to access.
We have planned out potential impacts and have a strategy in place for how we will provide either online, offline, or face-to-face services for those with barriers to access. We have tested these with different customers that may face these types of barriers.
B. Measure and Track Results
Are you clear about the purpose of the Digital Transformation and do you have clear objectives defined? Do you know what the implications of achieving these goals have?
We do not have digital transformation goals
There are no defined objectives oriented to Digital Transformation; nor it is not clear as to what will be achieved with these objectives.
The objectives of Digital Transformation are clearly defined. However, we are not sure how they will be monitored and evaluated in the business.
The objectives of Digital Transformation are clear and there is total clarity as to what is going to be achieved and how it will be measured.
Are the Digital Transformation objectives that have been established measurable?
There are no defined objectives; it is not clear how to measure them in a structured way
There is talk of Digital Transformation objectives, however, no efforts have been made aimed at those objectives will be measured.
The Digital Transformation objectives are clear, with some metrics that allow us to understand what the level of progress is.
The Digital Transformation objectives are defined in a robust way and are clearly measurable through a comprehensive governance process.
How mature are you in collecting, exploiting and analyzing data?
We have not implemented tools and / or processes that run data analysis
There are bases for the collection of information, however there is no knowledge regarding the exploitation and analysis of data
We have tools and / or processes that are executed with data from the closing of previous cycles (previous month, previous semester, previous year)
We have tools and / or processes that are fed in real time with data from internal and external users, which are considered for decision-making in the organization.
How much experience is there in analytics within the organization?
No specialized experience.
There is basic analysis of information in the organization
Organically grown expertise but without specifically qualified experts.
Analytical experts with deep experience, eg in data mining, statistical methods and forecasting.
To what extent do you take advantage of the insights generated by analyzing alternative sources eg: social networks?
We do not use social networks and do not have plans to.
We have social networks. However, the data they generate is not used
Social media data are used by some business units, generally in isolation.
Social media analytics are always used for critical business decisions and integrated throughout the organization, eg new products.
To what extent are you able to generate information through the integration of customer data generated in different channels (e.g. offline and online)?
There is no data integration
There is some very basic data integration, but it is mostly manual
There is integration between some channels, but not all, and some customer data sources are connected.
Knowledge is generated from internal and external sources of the entire ecosystem. Ideas are fully integrated into the value chain.
How is customer experience measured and how do incentives and KPIs align with this measurement?
Customer experience is not measured
There are basic tools that allow measuring the level of customer satisfaction but only at a general level and do not allow identifying specific points of improvement in the customer experience
There are measurements that allow identifying specific pain points in the customer experience, but these measurements are not part of the KPI's and incentives within the company
There are metrics for the different points of contact in the customer experience, and they are incorporated into the incentives and KPI's scheme of the company, allowing decisions to be made to improve the user experience.
C. Learn and Iterate
Do you monitor the status of initiatives to understand where they are and their alignment with business and digital transformation goals?
No type of monitoring is carried out on the initiatives
Follow-up is carried out occasionally, without going into greater detail on the status of the initiatives.
The status of the initiatives is monitored. However, the possible risks that may be incurred are not analyzed in order to mitigate them in time; or they are not rethought according to the context of the organization.
The current status is monitored frequently, seeking to understand the needs that may arise and aligning the scope that they may have according to the context.
To what extent are there processes and tools that allow early prototyping and testing of innovation concepts?
We do not have processes and tools for prototype development
Processes and tools for prototyping and experimentation are very limited or non-existent
The basic process and tools for prototyping and experimentation exist and are routinely followed. Customer feedback on prototypes is occasionally integrated in the early stages of development
Robust processes and tools for prototyping and experimentation are essential to the development process (for example, they are able to rapidly develop minimal viable products)
Do you develop products / services / channels and launch them in beta versions to improve during their operation?
We do not develop prototyping of products / services
We launch new products / services / channels in their final versions.
We launch some products / services / channels in their beta versions, however they attend to the recommendations of the users after having the final version in production.
We constantly launch new products / services / channels in their Beta versions to understand the reaction of users and thus develop improvements.
To what extent are agile methodologies applied?
We do not have agile methodologies
Classic waterfall model applied for digital and technology initiatives
Some agile development methodologies applied in isolated individual projects
Agile development methodologies consistently and consistently applied where appropriate
Do you defined process optimization mechanisms?
We do not have any process optimization methodologies
We do not have a defined optimization mechanism or process in the organization. These initiatives are carried out by each of the areas under the need they present.
We have a basic process optimization mechanism, in which it seeks to involve stakeholders. However, the process is usually reactive and not preventive to the possible needs that the entity may present.
We have a defined mechanism for the optimization of processes to involve the parties associated with the process in such a way that the processes are analyzed, under a scheme that prioritizes the prevention of problems, seeking to improve them both internally and externally.
Do you have a defined periodicity for updating / digitizing processes?
There have been no changes in the processes since they were established
We update / digitize our processes in a reactive way, we do not have a defined program to do it frequently
We update / digitize our processes frequently, in order to prevent the most obsolete processes from affecting business transformation plans
We have defined a program for the update / digitization of our processes, where the relevant characteristics of each process and its history in the business are mapped, to easily identify the changes that must be implemented to be successful and efficient in the evolution of the business.
How often do you seek to identify the needs of your employees?
There are no efforts to understand the needs of our employees. Changes are reactive
We have mechanisms to understand staff engagement, however they are not as frequent or do not have a defined frequency.
We have mechanisms to understand staff engagement and their life cycle in the entity. However, it is not easy to identify points for improvement or determine actions that can improve the experience
We have mechanisms to understand staff engagement and their life cycle in the entity. We understand the different needs, problems and / or opportunities for improvement that they identify. They are taken into account when developing strategies and / or initiatives that have a direct / indirect impact on them, seeking to improve the overall experience of staff.
How are you approaching developing or attracting new digital skills to the organization?
There are no defined processes to attract new digital skills
We have a traditional recruitment process and eventually we consider different (digital) roles to complement the business. No internal programs have been contemplated to develop the capabilities of the current team.
We have one of the two: a comprehensive recruitment process that seeks to find and find new skills, types of hiring, search sources, etc; or with an internal development program that makes it possible to identify or develop digital skills in the current workforce.
We have both: a comprehensive recruitment process that seeks and finds new skills, types of recruitment, search sources, etc; or with an internal development program that makes it possible to identify or develop digital skills in the current workforce.
How vital is innovation in your organization and what drives it?
Innovation is not a topic for discussion
Innovation is discussed during leadership meetings, but they are few and far between. If there are, concrete actions are taken within the organization to truly foster a culture of innovation.
Within the organization there is a moderate level of innovative thinking. We are actively trying to grow our orgaistion's innovation culture.
Innovation is a core part of our culture. The organization has a broad mindset of innovative thinking. Innovations enable business growth.