Day 2: Driving Impactful Change and Growing the Pie

During the sessions and talks held on Wednesday the 12th, critical issues such as nutrition, gender empowerment, and systemic change were discussed in depth. Experts and entrepreneurs shared their knowledge and insights on using pro bono legal services effectively, measuring the impact of initiatives, and harnessing technology to develop inclusive solutions.

The second day of the ANDE Annual Conference 2024 built upon the momentum of the first, diving deeper into critical themes surrounding entrepreneurship, impact investing, and sustainable development. Through a series of engaging discussions, workshops, and presentations, attendees were treated to a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

Opening Remarks: A Call for Shared Action

Elliot Gerson, Executive Vice President of Policy Programs and International Partners at The Aspen Institute took the stage to celebrate the anniversaries of both The Aspen Institute (75 years) and ANDE (15 years).

In his inspiring opening remarks, Mr. Gerson underscored the importance of collaboration in addressing pressing global challenges like financial inclusion, poverty, and gender equality.

His message resonated deeply, emphasizing the need for shared resources, robust partnerships, and a focus on empowering the next generation of leaders.

Nourishing Futures: Empowering Women Through Nutritious Food Investments

The day began with a powerful roundtable discussion highlighting the intersection of nutrition and gender empowerment. Roberta Bove and Stella Nordhagen of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Ganesh Bhere of S4S Technologies   shed light on the devastating economic and health impacts of malnutrition, which disproportionately affects women. They emphasized that investing in women-led initiatives and adopting holistic approaches to nutrition can not only improve community health but also drive economic resilience. Case studies from India showcased the transformative potential of empowering women in agriculture, combating nutritional deficits while supporting sustainable food production and economic independence.

Entrepreneur Fireside Chat: Lessons in Resilience and Adaptability

The Entrepreneur Fireside Chat featuring Michael Chen, CEO of Buzzebees, offered a captivating glimpse into the world of entrepreneurial success. Chen’s journey, marked by resilience and adaptability, highlighted the importance of strategic partnerships, customer relationship management, and embracing technological advancements like AI.

He shared valuable insights into navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship, underscoring the need for an open-minded, adaptive mindset.

Spark Talks: Igniting Ideas and Driving Impact

The Spark Talks sessions were a whirlwind of thought-provoking ideas, covering a range of topics critical to social impact.

Emmanuele Marie Parra from TrustLaw shed light on the transformative power of pro bono legal services, showcasing how organizations can access top-tier legal support to enhance their policy efforts and drive effective advocacy.

Alicia Okeyo from Allan & Gill Gray Philanthropies delved into the complexities of measuring systemic change, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach that tracks changes at all levels.

Tapfuma Musewe from EYElliance shared a powerful vision of how SaaS can revolutionize the optical sector, empowering retail SGBs to deliver life-changing solutions to communities in need.

Workshop and Breakout Sessions: Deep Dives into Impactful Solutions

The afternoon sessions provided opportunities for attendees to delve deeper into specific areas of interest. Gigi Mathews from Enviu conducted an stimulating workshop on turning systemic failures into disruptive innovations.  Mathews showcased the potential of technology and partnerships to address challenges like waste reduction and empowering smallholder farmers.

The breakout session led by Jennifer Cinelli-Oomen of Habitat for Humanity on democratizing innovation explored ways to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and affordable, sustainable housing for underserved communities, highlighting the importance of public-private partnerships, innovative financing, and open-source technology.

A Day of Inspiration and Collaboration

Once again, Day 2 of the ANDE Annual Conference 2024 was a testament to the power of entrepreneurship, innovation, and collaboration in driving positive change.

From empowering women to leveraging technology for social impact, attendees left feeling energized and equipped to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.

The conference served as a powerful reminder that we can build a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all by working together.

Global Connections, Lasting Local Impact
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