Township Economy Ecosystem Snapshot: Preliminary Results Engagement
August 3, 2021
13H30 - 15H00 (SAST)
Start Date August 3, 2021
Time 13H30 - 15H00 (SAST)
Location Online
ANDE Contact Nonceba Qabazi
210719 ANDE South Africa Township Economy Ecosystem Snapshot Results 1200x1200 LI F (1)
Township Economy Ecosystem Snapshot: Preliminary Results Engagement

Join the ANDE SA Township Economy Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Snapshot preliminary results launch. This event will also be an opportunity to share insights and discuss the findings, opportunities, and challenges of the township economy entrepreneurial ecosystem. Now, more than ever, we need to come together to stand beside and more effectively support township-based entrepreneurs. Register to join and find out what we have gathered so far and share your valuable insights to help our team . Fill out the survey today to put your organisation on the map. If you have any questions, queries, sharing of contacts and if you would like to get involved in helping us complete a successful ANDE SA Township Economy Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Snapshot, reach out to Nonceba Qabazi.