The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and USAID CATALYZE Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) invites you to join the entrepreneurship ecosystem convening in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The convening will focus on enhancing the commercial viability of Enterprise Support Organizations (ESOs) to promote sustainable growth of Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) and aims to explore strategies for transitioning towards market-driven models to ensure long-term sustainability for SGBs.
MS4G’s interventions improve the business performance and growth of enterprises and contribute to improved food security and WASH outcomes. Specifically, MS4G works to strengthen the enterprise ecosystem by improving the quality and accessibility of advisory services, supporting value chain linkages in key sectors, and connecting Ethiopian enterprise support organizations with a global network of practitioners. MS4G has partnered with ANDE to coordinate action and facilitate knowledge-sharing connections and collaboration through ecosystem convenings on topics affecting the ecosystem.
*Agenda details to follow.